fed up with algea

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 18, 2004
I have a very thick layer of algea on my glass. Along the way ive tried using a regular sponge, a algea scapper with a sponge, and now an actual scapper. I cant find anything to get the algea off, and may i add my oto doesnt touch it....

any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
get the mag float! the magnetic cleaner! just sit back and scrub without getting wet! works for me! otherwise get the razor blade out!
Well, you need to find out why you have the algae problem first, then worry about how to scrub it off.

How long do you leave your lights on a day? How long since your last water change?

IME, oto cats are no good at all at eating green algae (is that what you have?). You need to get yourself a small pleco to take care of the job.
Get an algea scraper that has a metal edge. I think Kent Marine makes one and it sells for about 8$. You also might want to check for phosphates and nitrates. That could be causing your algal bloom.
i do a weekly 10-20% water change, and yes i have green algea. I bought a Kent pro algea scapper with a plastic edge, is there a metal attachment?. Also the tank is 10 gallons, and with my bioload i couldnt handle anything more. I leave my lights on for around 12 hours a day for my plants. (need to get a new timer).
Instead of starting a new topic i decided to dig this one out
anyways will a Mag-Float clean the algea off of the glass or jsut off of plants/decorations? TIA
will a Mag-Float clean the algea off of the glass or jsut off of plants/decorations? TIA

Yep. Actually, you won't be able to clean plants and decorations with the magfloat. It strictly gets the glass, and the glass only. :wink:
ahhhh!!!!!! good finally something that might actually work.....ill be getting one VERY soon. thanks
What can I do wih my brown alage? I have a oto but it does nothing. It only eats the alage on my plants(real) and airline tubing. Should i get small pl*co? I have been wanting one for a while. What kind is good for my tank (20g planted)?
i dotn think there is really any pleco that gets and smaller than a bristlenose or pitbull which get 4-5", dont know what else you ahve i nthe tank but if its not alot i think you could get one.....but wait for other suggestions.
What can I do wih my brown alage? I have a oto but it does nothing. It only eats the alage on my plants(real) and airline tubing. Should i get small pl*co? I have been wanting one for a while. What kind is good for my tank (20g planted)?

Brown algae = diatoms. Common in a newly established aquarium. Usually this means that your tank was not cycled or simply that you are overstocked, overfeeding, or something of the such.

Diatoms (brown algae) are basically a bunch of bacteria all grouped together. You'll find that it comes off your plants and decorations rather easily.

Test your water, what are the parameters? (nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, pH, etc.) Diatoms are usually an indication of high nitrate levels.
Ok here are my tests:
Ammoina: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 5
ph: ~7
My tank is fully cycled and has been for the past few months. I cant really give you my stocking list (i lost it). :lol: But I know for sure that it is perfectly stocked. My fish are only fed a littte bit of flakes a day, none of it goes to the bottom. It is also filtered with a FilStar XP1.

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