feeding anemone BTA

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reeling reefer

Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 19, 2005
Annapolis MD
feeding BTA
My Anemone isn't taken food and was wondering what others are feeding there Bta's. I have tried silversides it acts like it wants to eat it and then several minutes later just lets it go, same thing with krill. It has a Gold stripe maroon clown that hosts it, also it looks very healthy& happy and is inflated nicely. I just have always thought you needed to feed them. Tank is a 180 with 3 250 watt halides and 4 t'5 39 watt actinic lights. I have had the anemone about 2 months. I Test water all the time and all levels are excellent.
it's probably not hungry. Mine has done the same. My bta wouldn't eat for a couple of weeks. I only feed it mysis though. Silversides are generally thought of as not good for a BTA because they're too big for them to digest. I only feed mine once a week at the most. It usually picks up the left overs from food the fish miss too. So between the mysis and the left overs, i think my BTA is getting enough. I know there's others on here that do very similar type feedings.

I wouldn't be worried. BTA's are funny and will get into moods like this.
If you have a GSM clown hosting it, its getting plenty to eat. I rarely feed mine. I agree unless you are chopping the silversides up, it's probably to big. Food items to large will stress the anemone.
I may feed mine once every 2 months if that. Most people overfeed and end up stressing them out.
I never fed mine for the 1st year. He started looging kind of lean so I give him a uncooked shrimp every 10 days or so and he chows down on it.
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