feeding fish while away

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 8, 2004
san francisco
I'm leaving in July for 3-4 weeks ... what is the best way to keep my fish for this long of a time..... can a timer feeder be trusted? .. I can have someone come maybe once (possibly twice) a week to feed - but would like to avid that if possible .... I also have a growing Oscar (now 5") .. can he be alright with 7 day feeders from LFS - if those are what should be used?????? ? .. what to do
When I go away for more than a week, I find it comforting to know someone is looking after my fish.
I have no experience with timed feeders. If you go with a timed feeder, try it in advance to work the kinks out of it.
I have used a time feeder for 2-3 weeks at a time and it worked fairly well. I had a cheap one from Walmart (10 bucks). Mine was only on a 5.5g though so it might not be best for larger tank just because it wouldn't always put out the same amount of food since it was just a tumbler style and a large flake could change it up.
will an Oscar be fine with just flakes from a timed feeder (for 3-4 weeks)..... and/or can a Oscar feed on 7 day cube (that you throw to the bottom of the tank) for the same amount of time?? - if I have someone stop by once a week??
Forget the cubes; all they'll do is mess up your water parameters and you DON'T want that when you aren't there to deal with it.

You could have someone stop by once a week and just feed the fish that one time. They won't starve, and if they come by once a week you can be sure they aren't overfeeding LOL
un reliable

those week end, or in your case weekly feeders are unreliable. I used one while i was away in july last summer for 3 weeks. At first they are great and the fish seem to enjoy them. But many fish will eat way too much considering it just sits there for them to eat at any time. I would recommend that if u use one have someone check up on the fish.
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