Feeding question

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 7, 2005
Omaha, NE
I have a fluval 204 in my 35 gallon hex. Due to the relative power of the fluval and the relatively small surface area of the hex tank, the output agitates pretty much the entire surface, even though I run the output about 2.5" BELOW the water surface. When I dump in food (be it flake, frozen bloodworms, or frozen brine shrimp, the fluval drives the food down pretty quickly. Is there any way around this problem with the small surface area I'm dealing with?
my filter has an adjustment valve that i turn down when feeding and it just drips a little then when they eat it all i put it back to full
I'd just turn it off while feeding. Turn the filter off a few minutes before you feed. Then a few minutes after you feed turn it back on.
Yikes, I'll try it but that seems like a major PITA considering I'd have to get in the cabinet under the tank and unplug it and I'm usually feeding my fish right before I run out the door to work. I might have to switch to evening feedings.
I don't bother turning the filter down or off on mine If anything is missed, my Shark and Pleco will clean up after the Tiger Barbs.
Well, that's true too. I'm not getting a ton of waste buildup because I have 5 cories and 3 ottos and I'm not over feeding at all. Maybe I'll just not worry about it.
Just remember to turn them back on again. I can't stres this enough! It could be deadly to your fish if you don't. I have HOB's on my smaller tanks and they have a turn down feature, the big tank runs cannister filters and I don't worry about turning those off. Since your output is already down so far it probably wouldn't help to angle the output spout towards the bottom of the tank more. Turning the filter off would be your best bet as long as you always turn it back on.
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