Feeding RCS shrimp

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 16, 2014
The title says it what should I feed RCS. I went to the store and didn't know what food to buy for them. So what do I need to feed them any advice is appreciated thanks.
I have my RCS in a community tank. They feed mainly during the day on the bio-film on the Java Moss - I think that mosses are pretty essential to keep RCS happy. Others might disagree.
Other than that, they eat just about anything going but prefer to eat the algae wafers that I put in for my bristle nose.
You can buy specialist shrimp pellets but mine turned their nose up at them.
Ya I have java moss and some other plants but it looks like they cleaned all my algae in like 2 days
You can feed them algae wafers that you would feed plecos, just make sure to break off a tiny piece - a little goes a long way with shrimp.
Mine just pick at scraps I was gonna try and give them som nori I have left from some sushi I made
Mine LOVE my java moss. They are ok with the moss balls. They don't go for algae wafers and they attack the Hikari shrimp pellets, the ones for shrimp, not from shrimp ;) occasionally I put some flake food and they eat that. Cobalt is the flake brand I think. A friend of mine uses the micro pellets that are super tiny, both his Amano and RCS eat it like candy
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