Feeding yellow tang?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 17, 2012
Los Angeles
I have a yellow tang that does not really feed on the pellets, brine shrimp, nor flakes.

So I clipped 2 pieces of seaweed with clips but he does not pay any attention to it?

Any ideas how to grab his attention or how to feed?
How long have you had him and in what size tank? IME, tangs are really jittery when first inroduced. It took forever for my kole to start eatign at home, even though I saw him eat pellets before I bought him. You might also try soaking the nori in garlic, as I understand that sometimes triggers a feeding response.
Just keep putting the seaweed out there. They will eventually go for it. They are herbivores. BTW you have a tang in a nano tank.
My friend had this problem and what worked for him was putting the seaweed on live rock with a rubber band.He wouldn't eat it off the clip for some reason.
Ok. Yea I have some garlic extract so I'll soak them in garlic prior to placing them in the tank.

I do have him in 24jbj nano.
But what I do is I take care of them until they are too big for it. My lfs trades it for me. I raise it when it is really small then once it grows I start again. I am aware that they need huge tanks but I just find them really nice to have. Until they grow for it of course

There is 2 clowns and a small blue tang.

I did see him picking at some algae parts that are attached on the back of the tank?
You have 2 tangs in a nano?

Sorry, I don't subscribe to the return him when he's big thought. You will have more trouble than feeding him, I really have nothing more to say other than that.
I've seen alot of ppl do it and I've heard alot of ppl dislike the idea of keepin tangs til they out grow your tank, but at the end of the day it's your tank and if the tang stays healthy and you really return them then good luck.
Not to attack u but if u raise them all the time I would think ud know how to get them to eat two tangs in a nano is like 30 people in a one bedroom house not a good idea and on tract for proublems
And I agree it's no way you raise them if you are asking questions about feeding them
I have not had a yellow tang but this is the second blue tang I own and to b honest this one nor the first one have gotten ick or any problems.

The yellow tang I recently decided to try so that is why I did not know it needed extra feeding instructions.

But i do know it is not a good idea but so far it has worked and no harm has been done to any fishes.
I do not plan to harm or give them a bad life. On contrary I like to care for them.
Thanks for the advice and comments
Anytime I can't get a fish to eat I make fresh homemade food with fresh garlic juice it seems to help

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