Female angelfish swimming sideways?

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A bit small for 2 angel fish, but it's fine.
So you really have to put you're temperature between 82-86 degrees.
Okay, so most likely he has swim bladder infection.
When the bacteria is actively multiplying, the angel fish bloats, typically "floating" as you described it. At some point the swim bladder is destroyed by the bacteria and the fish can no longer maintain an upright position and become "belly sliders", unable to stay in mid water without great effort. This angel fish disease almost always results in a fish that has permanent swimming difficulty.
You're fish might die(Very probable) or have permanent swimming difficulty's.
I am truly very sorry for you're fish.
You might have over fed a bit, witch causes this major problem in angelfish:(

She hasn't eaten more than three or four flakes since ive gotten her..... Is there really nothing i can do?
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