my female betta has columnaris. her mouth is cottony white, she has white cotton strings attached to her body, and two greyish spots on her back. she looks a bit bloated too, possibly eggs? I do see her waste, so I'm not sure if she's constipated. she is lethargic, eating only pellets now. stopped eating frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp and daphnia. maybe it hurts to eat?
her tank is cycled, params are at 0 with only nitrate at 5ppm. probably caught it from my male betta as I was using same equipment to for water changes. he recently had a fungus as well as fin rot. I treated him with API fungus cure and he's back to normal, with fins recovering.
so I'm currently treating her with a 2nd round of API fungus cure , since the box cover says it cures cotton mouth. doesn't seem to be working though. any suggestions for a female betta? I want her to pull through; she is so friendly letting me palm her in the water when she was healthy and happy
her tank is cycled, params are at 0 with only nitrate at 5ppm. probably caught it from my male betta as I was using same equipment to for water changes. he recently had a fungus as well as fin rot. I treated him with API fungus cure and he's back to normal, with fins recovering.
so I'm currently treating her with a 2nd round of API fungus cure , since the box cover says it cures cotton mouth. doesn't seem to be working though. any suggestions for a female betta? I want her to pull through; she is so friendly letting me palm her in the water when she was healthy and happy