female betta with columnaris/cotton mouth

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 12, 2011
my female betta has columnaris. her mouth is cottony white, she has white cotton strings attached to her body, and two greyish spots on her back. she looks a bit bloated too, possibly eggs? I do see her waste, so I'm not sure if she's constipated. she is lethargic, eating only pellets now. stopped eating frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp and daphnia. maybe it hurts to eat?

her tank is cycled, params are at 0 with only nitrate at 5ppm. probably caught it from my male betta as I was using same equipment to for water changes. he recently had a fungus as well as fin rot. I treated him with API fungus cure and he's back to normal, with fins recovering.

so I'm currently treating her with a 2nd round of API fungus cure , since the box cover says it cures cotton mouth. doesn't seem to be working though. any suggestions for a female betta? I want her to pull through; she is so friendly letting me palm her in the water when she was healthy and happy :(
any pic? maybe that can help me help u a bit better.

best to do is water change, add some Aqua salt ...
it's real hard to get a clear pic, due to the tank water being green from the API fungus cure. but I'm positive it's columnaris aka cotton mouth diseAse
I did start with the salt but it wasn't working and after a few days I started with the API fungus
if its something white in her mouth then maybe ur right about cotton mouth.

but i would still add salt to keep her stress lvl down.
I'll add salt again. Is there any other medications u recommend? I was thinking triple sulf ?
here is some pics of her:





Not sure what else to do. I stopped the fungus API cure. She doesn't seem to be getting better or worse. Her mouth looks the same; still white. Don't see any cotton like threads on her body anymore. And she is still lethargic staying at bottom of tank.

I've started to feed her jungle medicated anti bacterial pellets only. And i will start a treatment of furan2. It's been almost 3 weeks of this. I thought she may have dropsy, cause she's bloated and looks
Slightly pineconing, but I guess she would've died by now???

Pls help, any suggestions
I'd use Furan 2 and/or Kanamycin. You are very lucky if this fish as had columnaris for 3 weeks and is still alive. I just had an outbreak of it in my tank....21 dead fish in 3 days. All Furan 2 did was turned my water yellow and kill my plants. Good luck.
oh ****...but u furan2? she's gotten worse today..i just checked her out, and in 1 day, she's grown 2 spots of cotton/fungus, and her fins beneath her body, the back is torn and bloody..

and she keeps coming up for air...her time is coming i think..:(

she how she looks now:

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