Fiddler Crabs

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 10, 2012
Buffalo, NY, USA
I like them but i understand they need some air. I was wondering if something like a turtle bank floating at the top would work.
as long as they have a way to climb up to it but not get to the rim of the tank it should be ok, also if you really want them to thrive they'll need brackish water, they can survive for some time in full fresh water but it's not recommende
as long as they have a way to climb up to it but not get to the rim of the tank it should be ok, also if you really want them to thrive they'll need brackish water, they can survive for some time in full fresh water but it's not recommende

Yes i always add a bit of salt to tanks. They should be fine. But thanks guys
Just a thought that I'd throw out there is that aquarium salt does not create brackish conditions.

But back to your original question, a turtle bank would work as long as there is a way for them to get on it. And they don't just need it for air, the crabs need to often sit on dry land to dry out. Drying out helps them shed, shedding is an indication of growth.
Fiddler crabs

...are brackish as adults, in need of a specific gravity of 1.008 - 1.014, ph of about 8.3, a sandy beach to dig holes in, and lots of rocks or hiding places. They love mangroves, to hide in and nibble on, but I don't think they hurt the plants. I've had many females get pregnant, but the roe (?) need to be in very salty water in order to thrive, and then they return to the brackish as adults.
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