Fighting columnaris and was hoping for some advise...

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 17, 2020
Hey everyone, I’m new to the site. I’ve got a 30g tank with 10 guppies. I’m testing the water with a masters kit and everything is in the normal range. Temp is at 78. A heavily planted tank. I’ve got 10 females and 2 males atm. Had the two males and bought a female pack. So two of my females and one of my males have a white spot. The females have it on their backs and the male has it on his mouth. Those three are in isolation tanks at 74 degrees, tsp salt for each gallon, and furan-2. My female is almost all healed up and starting treatment on my other female and male. Is there anything I can do to protect my other fish? I’m tapped out on hospital tanks right now too.
What kind of disease ? You are thinking it is Columnaris?

If the spot on the mouth and it was fuzzy it could be Saprolegnia.

Not endorsing the company but the information about how to tell it is some alternate options for you to treat.They also have tis combination - new to me, but interesting.
American Aquarium Conditioners

Welcome Bogho by the way.

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