Fighting or breedinf

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 21, 2012
The lip locking thing is it fighting, breeding, or both. I put my couple who previously had babies (2 weeks ago) in a new tank this morning away from their babies. Within minutes this happens. There were two JD in there already. I think this is my couple but it COULD be the two males. There is no chasing just the lip locking. Any ideas? They can't be spawning 15 min into a new tank can they?


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Lip locking is not bad , just watch out for when the dominant one chases the other one until it stresses out , if it wont let the other one rest or tears up its fins too bad you might have to separate them. Do you have mant hiding spots?
darkmatter_3500 said:
Lip locking is not bad , just watch out for when the dominant one chases the other one until it stresses out , if it wont let the other one rest or tears up its fins too bad you might have to separate them. Do you have mant hiding spots?

Yes they have several places to hide. Of course the other jacks can get to em of they want to. But usually once one goes into hiding they leave em alone. I think they were both male, so that answered my breeding question. They are doing some chasing now but not alot.... I think they are ok. Thanks!
No problem Jacks are tough fish and can usually handle alot of abuse , stress is the main problem but thats good if you have a few hiding spots, usually once they are out of view then they can rest a little.
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