Figure 8 puffer while on vaca.

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 23, 2011
I have a 40 gallon breeder that I keep african cichlids and my one figure 8 puffer ( mooglie) in but I am soon to be on vacation for 1.5 weeks so I moved the puffer into my 10 gallon while away. I bought about 15 snails and 6 ghost shrimp to put in while I'm away but was wondering how long they can usually go without food before running into problems. My africans are set up on a good auto feeder and can if needed can go a week with no food but I wasnt sure about the puffer.
change at least 50% of the water before you leave. Figure 8 should be fed 6 days out of a week. If you have no body to help with feeding, then you throw in a few snails in the dark so that your F8 will not figure out where all of them are located.

If your f8 die, then it will be due to the polluted water or starving to death.
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