Figure Eight PUFFER has a hard time floating

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 1, 2004
It seems my Fig. 8 is sinking to the bottom very fast. he trys to swim up, but his body rapidly sinks to the ground. could I be having a Salt issue? I converted him to BW about 3 months ago, and I don't have a low enough Hydrometer yet, but the SG couldn't be more than 1.08. he also has a white spot on his head that almost looks like a wound where the color is just white.

The tank he is in also has a serious green algae/bacteria slim problem, if anyone knows how to fix that...? I'm more worried about puffer's lack of mobility though...

Thank you!
Could you post your water parameters?

What is his normal diet?

Is he eating OK?

A swim bladder infection seems likely. Look in the pet store for medicines to treat Dropsey.
Oh yeah, for the algae problem:

Reduce lighting.
Reduce feeding.
Get brackish water tolerant snails.
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