Filter for low-tech tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 28, 2003
Now that I've discovered disturbing the water surface is bad for the CO2 levels, I'm trying to figure out if I need a different set up. Plus, my Emperor 400 has had a vibration noise since day one...if I don't do something about it soon, I think my husband will chuck it out the window. :evil: lol

It may be that I can exchange the emperor at the store, so I'm wondering if I should do the same filter again or try a canister? If a canister, any recommendations for a low-tech tank? Other than keeping the water level up, is there anything else I can do to minimize the disturbance of the water surface?

Thanks for any suggestions and tips!
A cannister will certainly reduce water surface agitation. Maybe a Fluval? I have a small one in my 10g and I often pull it out to see if its working cause I can't hear it LOL I just got a 55 and put an Emp400 on there...its surprisingly quiet, especially considering its directly behind the couch (and my head when I sit down LOL). I'm wondering if something is loose/missing/fallen off since yours makes noise.

I have to admit, I don't completely understand how to find a balance between having enough O2 in the water for the fish, and not depleting the CO2 for the plants. Maybe someone can explain?
Magnum 350. Moves a good bit of water, pretty cheap, dual usage(can be used as a diatom filter). For low tech, its what I have on my 45, like it just fine. Just keep the water level up, or modify the outflow, and surface agitation is minimized. It is not the quietist filter in the world, though.

I think what you have IN your 10 gallon tank is a internal filter. A cannister filter sits outside the tank and uses hoses.

The only problem with a Magnum 350 is they clog very fast. I use Rena Filstars and love them. I use an XP-2 on my 29 gallon and a XP-3 on my 55 gallon. I have to clean they maybe every three months. They are great filters.
Thanks all for the recommendations!

Allivymar, I'm sure the filter has a defect causing the vibration. The fish store recommended 'banging on it a bit' to knock a loose fit into place :roll: lol I bet your couch is the perfect viewing spot!

CC, have you had any clogging that grigg's was saying could happen? how often do you maintenance the magnum 350 and what's involved? What's the setup like, meaning how do the hose(s) secure to the tank, how far in are they submerged, etc? (sorry for all the questions...I haven't found a good source yet showing a canister actually set up. Any links would be much appreciated!)

RG, is your XP-3 on a low-tech tank?

thanks again everyone!
I don't run any low-tech tanks. The XP-3 is on a high tech tank with 4 wpg and CO2 injection.
Say Yes To Fluval

I think the Fluval filters are a good value. I have two Fluval 304s for my freshwater tanks (37 & 58 gallons respectively).
I have a fluval 304 on my 55 gal and it works great. It produces crystal clear water, is very quiet, and you can put different kinds of media in it. One small disadvantage is that when you go to clean it, you need to have it in a bucket before you disconnect the hoses because they spill a little. I just cleaned mine today...took 5 minutes.
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