Filter question

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 23, 2004
Kingston, ON Canada starting up a 55 gallon freshwater tank...probably with low-light plants.

Im just curious how much filtration and what brand/type I should go with. I want the best value filter I can get. I've been looking at the following brands.

Rena Filstar XP2
Fluval 304

Would those be sufficient in terms of output or should I look at the XP3, 404, and ac-500 instead?

Feel free to make any recommendations or advice. THanks in advance for your help.
For a planted tank cannisters are a better choice. The HOBs agitate the surface allowing CO2 to gas out quickly. Bigger is always better with filter. The more gph the cleaner the tank and the larger the bio load. I've been using a Fluval 304 on my planted 55g and I like it because it's very easy to clean. Still, others here will prefer the filstar. :)

so think i'd be okay in the 260-300 gallon per hour range for a filter? I know it's well within the manufacturers recommendations..but i've read a lot about ignoring those and shooting for like 7 to 8 X ur tank gallonage
Well if it were me Spongebob, I'd go with the Fluval 404. Make sure you add a sponge prefilter over the intake screen. You'll need it to keep the plant debris out of the cannister.

thanks for the input bryan...i'll definitely think about the willing to spend the cash on the canister if it's better for the im down to the fluval and the way im spending what they want for an eheim
SB--I was recently looking at Fluvals and bigalsonline had the best prices. In store Big Al's prices are about $10+ higher. However, I found a deal at a local LFS on "last year's model"--it pays to look around :wink:
For sure im gonna be patient in no real rush...and im willing to shop around if i can save some dough. I still havent picked up a tank kind of waiting a few months in case i can stumble upon a used one for cheap...if not i'll just pick one up at a quality store we have here in Kingston
I use the Fluval 404 on my planted 55gal community tank and it works VERY well.
Tank water stays crystal clear.
A very fine fliter if you ask my.
I like the large Media trays you can pack full of different media.
It is also a breeze to clean and fill.
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