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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 12, 2005
I'm looking for a new filter...I have a TopFin 60 on my 55 gal FW. I think it is awful noisy. Sounds like a mini frige to me. What filter do you guys suggest? I'm open to suggestions. Please explain your answers. Thanks!
If at all possible, I would go with a canister. Most are virtually silent, very flexible, and easy to maintain. Before you ask which brand, you'll be flooded with everyone's favorite. Everyone has a favorite and they normally stick to one brand once they find one they like. So, being non-biased, from the member feedback in the past, the Eheim, Fluval, Filstar, and Cascade all work great. Check whats available to you that is in your price range. Also try They have great prices compared to the lfs.
I would also recommend a canister if you can afford it (I couldn't for my 55 gallon :wink: ). The brands that Fishyfanatic listed are the ones I've seen recommended a million times here, and any of them would be great for your tank. I just got a Fluval 204 and a Rena Filstar XP1 for 2 of my smaller tanks and so far I love them. Both seem absolutely silent compared to HOBs, and you can adjust where your output tube goes so if you put it a bit below the water line you don't even hear splashing.

You are obviously concerned about noise, so I would have to recommend the Aquaclear filters if you can't get a canister. They are much more quiet than other brands and very customizable, and you don't have to keep buying cartridges for them (you can use the same foam block over and over).
A canister is a bit out of my fange unfortunately. I have an aquaclear for my 30 gal, and loved it, but I figured I'd check around to see what others said.
Aquaclear aquaclear aquaclear.. LOL.. you know why :wink:
its my favorite becuase you can add whatever media you want and you don't necessarily have to use the prefit filter inserts.

EDIT: i thought you said that the aquaclear for our 30 gallon was made to go up to 50 gallons? You could use it temporarily instead of the topfin... i would.
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