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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 17, 2004
I am planning a 180-280Gal tank, depending on the cost of importing the acrylic, or if I just use glass.

What I am thining of doing is to pump water in from the ocean, through the tank and back out again as I am only about 20ft from deep water. This way I would only need mechanical filtration and carbon on the in water supply and the water in the tank should remain fully balanced, without worrying about complex filtration, evaporation or anything.

I have written for approval from my Condo association to do it, but if they decline, I was going to do weekly water changes directly with the ocean. I was going to plumb in 2 PVC lines and have a pump and external filters in my garden and then have the ability to drain the tank and add in fresh seawater. Would that simplify things or should I just try and get a fully balanced reef tank. The fish I will be keeping will be locally caught wild fish, so there are no water or temperature considerations by pumping in fresh saltwater.
i think everything in the Bahamas is legal :)

seriously though, taht sounds like a pretty sweet idea. please keep us updated...with photos if you can
it would take a huge pump to overcome the head height. Personally I would feel safer bringing in 20-30 gal of water at a time and running it through a filter for a couple of days before adding to my tank.
OK, I cannot just pump in water and then drain back out, due to restricting covenants. So I will have to go the normal filter route.

Is there any benefit to doing a 20% water change each week or, is it best to try and get the tank balanced?
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