Finally cycled!!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 14, 2004
Yes! Zero ammonia and zero nitrite! Less than 20 nitrate.

I went to my LFS to see if they had any white clouds, but they wee sold out! Now I have ordered, but have to wait 10 days until I get them... :(

That was my baby girl helping me type :)

Anyway, I am feeling that this wait is even more than that for the cycling... I mean, a fully cycled tank just sitting empty for 10 days??? Awwww, come on!!! :D

Wish me good luck so that I can endure the temptation to stock my tank with some fish I didn't really plan to have!!!

Yay, cycled tank! :lol:
Yay for you! I know you are thrilled. Just keep feeding the bacteria every day and wait patiently - your patience will pay off when your careful plans come to fruition!
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