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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 27, 2011
Morristown, TN
So, after much pondering, I decided to return my platys due to the fact that they would have over populated my tank in no time. Now I have planted the 10 gallon and have:
7 glowlight tetras
1 zebra nerite snail
I am may add 2 or 3 more tetras, but what would be a good surface dwelling fish? All I can think of is maybe a betta, so any suggestions are appreciated.
I saw some Killifish at my LFS the other day. They were pretty and are top dwelling. They come in a lot of different colors, depending on which one you get. The one I saw was a light yellow. A colorful guppy or endler's livebearer (or a mix of guppy and endler) would also work. Depending on the breed, they get between 1 inch and 2 inches (I've seen some large guppies).

A Dwarf Gourami should also be peaceful with glowlight tetras. As long as the water is warm enough, they do alright. Their a little shy, so work with peaceful shy fish. They can be bright red or blue, or a mix.
My water parameters are:
Temperature: 77*F
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
pH: 7.0-7.5
The reason I am trying to get ideas is because I only saw Pearl Gouramis when I went today, no dwarfs or honeys.
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