Da Squid
Aquarium Advice Freak
I'm looking to start my first planted tank in the next month (55g low light for now, I'll upgrade later if its for me) and have been researching the local stores. I've been to 3 or 4 different shops and not only are none of the plants labeled, they all seem to be browning and full of holes to boot.
Is this normal or just a crazy coincidence? Any advice on how to tell which plants can be nursed to health and which are lost causes? Also, I live in the Pittsburgh area. If any locals could name drop some of their favorite stores I promise to give them some business!
Is this normal or just a crazy coincidence? Any advice on how to tell which plants can be nursed to health and which are lost causes? Also, I live in the Pittsburgh area. If any locals could name drop some of their favorite stores I promise to give them some business!