Finnex 4. Many Questions

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 27, 2010
Metro Detroit
Hemianthus callitrichoides (Dwarf Baby Tears)
Lilaeopsis Mauritiana (Narrow-Leaf Micro Sword)
Mayaca fluviatilis
Dwarf Lily, Red
Unidentified Anubias
Unidentified Stem Plant

4 x Chili Rasboras
2 x Yellow Shrimp

Finnex 4 Gallon
26 Watt Finnex Epoch Clip light (30,000k - 10,000k, & 2 Moonlight LEDS)
Elite Sponge Filter
Tetra Whisper Air Pump Up To 20 Gallons
Tetra Submersible 50-Watt Heater
Hagen CO2 Ladder Diffuser

Other Options
Tahitian Moon Sand
3 x Pygmy Cories
Small Madagascar Lace
Red Sea Nano Filter

My questions are in bold.

I recently moved back into my mother’s house and had to temporarily downsize my Finnex 4 Gallon to a 2 gallon bow front. My room isn’t completely unpacked yet but should be within the week and I wanted to get my 4 Gallon back up. I wanted to do things right this time but I have a few restrictions.

My mother won’t let me have another fish tank set up so I would need to use all the materials from my 2 gallon to set the 4 gallon back up, meaning the light and filter. I have a small red sea filter that came with my finnex that I could temporary use on the 4 gallon or on the 2 depending on circumstances. I also don’t have the money to buy any new things for my fish tank so everything I will be using is coming from my 2 gallon or my 20 gallon.

I was thinking of a dry start but I can’t find a lot of information on this process. I currently have my 26watt light on the 2 gallon which is holding all of my plants and I know that baby tears require a lot of light. Would the other plants do ok in the 2 gallon with the standard incandescent? I have also heard that baby tears may melt when the tank is finally flooded with water. Is there a way to prevent this? Also which plants would be safe for a dry start?

I don’t have any hardscape yet for my 4 gallon. I have two lace rocks that were previously used in my 4 gallon that are covered in BBA. I have tried scrubbing the rocks and leaving them out of water for weeks at a time and cannot get the algae off. Is there any way to save the rocks or should I look for new?

Is it at all beneficial to mix the Eco-Complete with the Tahitian moon sand? I would prefer to keep this tank MTS free as my 20 is almost overrun with them. I know the snails are a necessity for planted aquariums but I would like to keep more ornamental snails although I’m not sure what ones at this point. Would it overload my tank to keep my pygmy cories in the 4 gallon when it is up and running along with the Chili Rasboras and shrimps?

I have a Madagascar lace bulb that is still very small and I have been reading different things online about them. Some sites say they need a lot of light, others that they need indirect lighting and still others that saw they require low lighting. Would it be better to start it out in my 4 gallon with the high lighting or in my 20 where the lighting is a little over 1WPG?

I have this shelving unit from Lowes in my room and the top shelf isn't being used. I wanted a different place to put my Finnex 4 and was thinking about the top shelf. The site says it could hold the weight but my question is, would it be alright with the bars being spaced the way they are or should i put something under it and if so what?
Real Organized Steel Freestanding Shelving Unit

I’m sure there are many things that I have forgotten to ask. Constructive criticism is welcome. Thanks for reading.
My questions are in bold.... Clearly stated as the first line after the stuff I plan to use in and for my tank.
For more information on dry starts, check out the Planted Tank forums or Google Emersed set ups or Dry Start tanks etc....

Baby Tears are the usual plant people use for Emersed set ups, the trick is keeping everything moist..some of my club members are using mini foggers/misters like you use for frog tanks. I have never done a dry start, but many many others have.

Thats a lot of light on your Finnex, but should be ok with CO2.

Instead of using Incandescent, swap out the bulb for a Compact Fluorescent. You can get different wattages, I like to get around 6500K for my planted tanks.

You can use straight Eco Complete. Mixing it with sand, they sand will end up underneath eventually AFAIK. If you have too many snails, cut back on feeding and trap some out. I have MTS in my sand tanks. Nerites are my favorites, but they are more fragile.

I think you'd be ok adding the Cories, but you'd really need to stay on top of your water changes and watch your water testing. Chili Rasboras and Shrimp are low bioload. Pygmy Cories are pretty clean also. But they are sensitive, as are the Shrimp to poor water conditions.
Thank you for your response. It's not that I have too many, I just would like to not see them in my 4 gallon. I feel bad for my cories because even with all of the cover I have in my 20 they are still getting their fins nipped. They are getting old now as well.

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