firebelly toad eggs

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 12, 2005
When changing the water in my kids firebelly toad cage today I found a clump of white eggs. I searched the internet but was unable to find pictures of firebelly toad eggs.

Anyway the eggs are very white and in a clump of about 25? I did find one description on the internet of fire belly eggs being clear with black dots inside. Ours don't look like that at all. They aren't transparent at all.....does that mean they are bad? The water in the firebelly toad cage was last changed last weekend. So the eggs are less than a week old.

I stuck the clump in a separate container so the frogs don't eat them but I'm curious if they are rotten since they are so white.

Anyone have experience with this sorta thing?
I have no experience with firebelly toads, in fact I have never heard of them. However I spent countless hours as a child in the tadpole ponds near the beach. I know 'regular' frog and toad eggs come in a long string, like Christmas rope lights, and are clear with black centers. They are also very jelly-like and durable. You can pick up a strand of eggs at any place in the strand without breaking them. As I said, this is not firebelly specific, but I would think that most toads and frogs would be generally similar?
I would assume Toirtis would be your best bet for an answer. Good luck :)
I kept firebelly toads along time ago. Mine never had eggs though. I heard if they are not see trhough like that and kinda milky looking they're not good anymore.
...hmm. Well these are tiny little balls clumped together. Not like a string but like the little balls are stuck together making a bigger ball. Anyway they are probably bad since they are so white. I'll keep them for a few days just to see....'cause don't frog eggs hatch rather quickly?
Hi, it could take a few weeks, but i doubt they are good since you said they are already white.
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