FireMouth cichlid help!!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 11, 2011
i know they are central american and there feeding requirments but can i just buy a mating pair or would i have to get male 2 females?
You don't have to buy a mated pair. If you buy a male and couple females or even just one female you could get them to pair up. If you want to get couple females then you'll need to get rid of the one that doesn't pair up later. If you want to breed them probably best to have the tank the themselfs as like most Cichlids can get very aggressive to tank mates once they pair up and begin to clean off a spot to spawn.
Cheers blue thumb,
i came to the assumption they monogomly paired but wasnt sure about the odds.
they are having the whole thing to themselves :)
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