First saltwater reef tank … help

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 6, 2012
So I've done plenty of freshwater fish and planted tanks, but now want to venture into saltwater reef tanks but have no idea how of where to start I have a 125 gallon aquarium so any help would be greatly appreciated
Salt water tanks are very expensive to set up and maintain compared to fresh water, but are a lot more rewarding. I'm same as you only has my tank a few months but bought second hand after it had been set up for 3 years so cheated abit. I no the light has to be upgraded, need at least 2 power heads, uv steriliser, protein skimmer and a good filter. Get as much live rock as you can.
I'd start with some live sand and rock and a good filter and a couple of powerheads you can build onto it from there. There's a lot more stuff you can use but you can add it later such as an ro unit ,skimmer, heater, etc.
People telling you what you need and yet you haven't said what you want.

2 basic saltwater setups: Fish Only With Live Rock (FOWLR) and
Reef ( corals and fish)

Then there is also predator tanks with cool but agressive fish (eg. Lionfish) but that don't play nice with corals ( unless eating corals is nice).

Once you've decided that, then you can begin the road to equipment.

UV sterilizers are definately NOT a requirement. Personally, I don't have one and have strong opinions on this. Many others don't either, but then again many others do.

The biggest equipment decision on equipment I believe to be the addition of a sump. It can do cosmetic things like moving other equipment out of the display tank (DT) as well as house more rocks. But the most important thing (other than a skimmer, but that is covered in equipment) is the addition of chaeto into the sump. Fish won't eat it there and it will consume nitrates and even phosphates.

Here is a link to the getting started articles that doesn't show up on the phone.

Good luck. Keep asking

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