First saltwater tank..

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This happened while I was shopping today.. What's going on? Should I get a bigger cuc???
+1 as long as cycle is over. It gets worse before it gets better though. Lol. Maybe try adding some phosphate media
I got a goby/pistol pair today :)lol the guy at the LFS said he was a bee goby. Really..? I'm 99% sure it's a pink speckled. What do you think?

Within 2 minutes my goby found the pistol and is just hanging out waiting for his cove to be complete :) anyone thinking about goby/pistol combo.. They are awesome! Truly!
I have a wheeler goby they said it was a candy stripe goby and a tiger pistol shrimp. I really like them they are so fun to watch. About once a week I will take a little piece of shrimp or silverside to feed to the pistol shrimp. He has taken it from my fingers but usually I use a tweezer or a stick to feed him.
Hey we have the same pair :) how do you feed them? I tried to squirt some live brine near them but I think I tried too soon they didn't eat it.
Mine eat anything I put in the tank flakes. frozen or pellets. It took the goby a couple of days to realize I was the food dispenser now it begs anytime it seems me.
Ok cool. I had a scare this morning.. Couldn't find either of them. Turns out pistol chose a new home in the back :(
Hey it's been a while just thought I'd update!


New tie dye open brain :)


Both my fish in the same place (finally!)



Full tank.

Live stock totals:

1x wheelers shrimp goby
1x firefish
1x tiger pistol shrimp
2x astrea snails
1x open brain coral
1x mysteriously appeared hitch hiking sea slug that I think my pistol is eating??

Let me know what you think!! Any suggestions for next coral?
(2) suggestions - hide the heater behind the rocks, so it's not so in your face, and as for coral - how about a Torch, hammer, or frogspawn to get a little flowy action in there.
I've got the filte back there do you think that matters if I jam the heater too? And ok I'll do some research on those! Also probably a stupid question but exactly what are frags? And why do LFS sell them assorted at the same price
A "frag" is just a term meaning a fragment of a coral. A small piece harvested from a bigger colony. These are just small corals that need time to grow instead of the larger colony that is already large.

Typically frags are glued to either a plug which is a little disk with a protrusion that you can place in a hole in the rock or into the sandbed. They can also come on disks, which are typically ceramic without the "plug" part. Or they may be attached to a small piece of rock.

If you put it next to filter I don't see an issue.
As far as the LFS, I think it's just easier to sell frags for $10, $15, $20, etc. this way the math is easy and they can do deals like $10 each or (3) for $20. The size if the frag can vary greatly, but the more inexpensive corals are decent sized for cheap.

Once you get into chalices, SPS, and some high end LPS and zoos, a frag can be over $100, or in the case of zoo's, depending on the colors can be up to $100 per polyp that's 3mm across!
Wow. Well for $40 my coral was a steal IMO haven't seen anything more beautiful :p

So I could get a small frag and it will grow? What do I do with the bottom part?
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