Fish are dying, dying and then dying

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 12, 2003
We bought an established tank (70 gallon) for our office. We lost all the initial fish but one ( tomato clown ) which I though was due to the sand bed being moved and started agian. We got 40lbs from liverocks and then had a heater go bad and cooked the rock before it ever hit the tank. I scrubed everything and after two weeks in rubbermaid thru it in.... We recovered from that and now I bought in a very large trigger, loin that come with my new tnak. The trigger & loin had a little white film on their eye so we started to medicate. It was not getting better not worse. Well the trigger diggs non stop and the water is always cloudy. The health is going down hill and the nitrates are always high. Is this due to the constant sand bed distruption?? I think I need to get rid of this fish. To add insult to injury someone left a window open last night and the heater was not plugged in so it was very cold water this morning... I think I will lose all fish in the tank...... :cry: I am so sick of this tank I could scream.. One problem after the other...
Sorry to hear about your misfortune. Stick in there things will get better. I had a whole ton of problems in the beginning and was close to giving up a few times but eventually it turned around and I've had pretty good luck lately.
My boss loves that trigger he really has the best personality ever... SHould I get rid of him to solve my problems?? Its so hard when my tank at home is such a joy and problem free then I have this nightmare....
You can always remove the DSB rather than the fish. This will keep the water from being cloudy all the time, and you keep the fish. Just remember if you get rid of the sand bed, to vacuum whatever substrate you put in it's place. You can replace it with an inch or so of a coarser sand or cc, personally I'd g with a coarser sand, but the cc is a viable option.

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