fish catching

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 6, 2004
So I am sick of my damsels that i got when i didnt know better killing other fish i try to add to the tank. So i want to get rid of them. But, with 200 + lbs of LR its going to be a pain....any advice or good trap ideas?

does the soda bottle thing really work?
i had that problem also. what i did was start a water change, taking out about 20% of the water.put the water you took out in a rubber maid container. then i took all the live rock and put it into the container with the water. then caught the little fishes and while i had the live rock out i cleaned the sand bottom. then put the live rock back into the tank and finished the water change. i know it seames like alot of work but its really not and its well worth not having the mean fish in your tank
I went through the same thing last weekend but I only had one to catch. I spent 4 hours on it. At first I tried the bottle & bait trick but he didn't go in the bottle.

What I ended up doing is taking a few rocks out. He then went behind these rocks that formed a tunnel with 2 ways out. I put the bottle at one end of the "tunnel" and stuck my hand in the other end. He went out of the tunnel and into the bottle. He was not happy ... He's off on his own now in a 20g. Still trying to figure out what I should do with him. I moved some rock in with him and some aquarium water so my ammonia/nitrites are 0.

Anyway, like I said it took a long time but its unlikely that you can get them out without taking at least some of the rock out.
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