Hi! I’m setting up a new 20 gallon tank (my first). I would like to have neon tetras and fancy guppies, and would like another compatible but hardy fish to include when first starting the tank.
Any suggestions for a good fish to add to the aquarium first?
Also, how many guppies, neon tetras, and other fish csn I have in the 20 gallon tank without overcrowding (yet letting them be in a comfortable school)?
Finally, can I have male only guppies? (I don’t want them to reproduce). And how many should I have?
Thanks so much for your help!
Any suggestions for a good fish to add to the aquarium first?
Also, how many guppies, neon tetras, and other fish csn I have in the 20 gallon tank without overcrowding (yet letting them be in a comfortable school)?
Finally, can I have male only guppies? (I don’t want them to reproduce). And how many should I have?
Thanks so much for your help!