Fish Food Recommendation

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 25, 2013
So I am almost out of my TetraMin Fish Food and I was wondering if anyone recommends a certain brand/kind that they use or like. I have a freshwater community by the way.
You cannot go wrong with New Life Spectrum. They make very high quality foods.
I've heard that Hikari has a very good quality too, about the equivalent to Tetra.
It is not like I hate tetra or it's had problems or anything I am just curious to try something else.
Anyone else?
I feed Omega One, and NLS. Check out He has a large variety of foods, and they are very inexpensive. They just come in a plastic bag. They seem to have decent ingredients. I use them to suppliment other foods.
Thanks for all of the input everyone!
Anyone else?
I've recently started using Repashy Gel Food. They make food for a variety of fish. It's a powder that you mix with boiling water and put in moulds....
My fish(community) love it and you can just drop it in there and they work away at it.....
Huh that's it defiently different I have never heard of that but it's sound pretty interesting/good
Mine eat API tropical flakes, they seem to really like it! Though, I've never used anything else and I'm a new fish keeper.
I mostly feed omega one, hikari, and new life spectrum. I have some Wardley shrimp pellets that everyone loves, too.
I'm feeding TetraMin, Hikari, and San Francisco Bay Brand frozen blood worms. Going to pick up some Omega One or NLS soon.
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