Fish hypochondriac? LoL

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 21, 2004
Memphis, TN
Please feel free to move this, as it's more a discussion than a particular fish problem... More like unhealthy people, hehe!

I have serveral tanks, and I know I am going to acquire at least 2 more for 2 types of Puffers.
However, I tend to be overly concerned with my fish. I watch them a lot, so I notice even slight changes in behavior or looks, and I tend to freak out.
(Yes, I also do the same thing with my dogs, but I know a lot more about dogs as I worked for vets for several years, and I was actively involved in rescue, showing, working, etc. My poor kids, if I ever have them!!)

Anyone else have this 'problem'??? haha My friends all make fun of me, the LFS employees...well, I'll just say they all know me :roll:

Can one be a hypochondriac for one's fish?? hehe Is there a word for that?

I don't believe I freak out when there is a change in the appearance or behavior of my fish. I do love to watch them and I specifically watch for changes and I do react to their changes. If I think a change is due to a disease or poor water conditions then I do what I can to fix the problem.

I love watching how my fish interact with each other and with me.
I have been having a few issues with illness lately, so I have been examining my fish very closely several times a day. I have a feeling this is overkill. If anything changed about my fish right now I would totally freak!! :crazyeyes:
Nope, I do the same thing. I figure that they can't climb out of the tank, tug on my shirt, and inform me that perhaps their tummy hurts. So my nose is against the glass. A lot.

And I thought fish tanks were supposed to RELIEVE stress.. :mrgreen:
Corty said:
And I thought fish tanks were supposed to RELIEVE stress.. :mrgreen:

I can so relate to that. I spend so much time worrying about my fish, I forget to enjoy them. But I usually have 1 issue or another to stress about, lately it's been my puffers. But I think many new puffers usually have some things that need to be fixed from their rough trip. I have also gotten the train of thought that med's are a last resort, too....prevention is key.

I have friends who do minimum work on their tanks with no problems. But I also think my fish will end up living longer and having a better life.

I refuse to give my mom fish, as she doesn't listen to my advise. She just bought a friend a 2.5 gallon and 2 feeder goldfish. And she knows better! Had the nerve to tell me they don't live long anyway and are cheap. Hmm, well, maybe there's a reason they don't live long! :(
I am definitely not anxious about my fish's health. I kindof assume everyone is happy and healthy, and am surprised when I see any sign of trouble. Trouble does pop up from time to time, but I'm not particularly searching for it. Uh oh, I'm jinxed now! 8O

I'll move this on over to the Lounge-
I'm with TG on this one. I like my fish, but generally they are healthy. The only time I get really concerned is when I add fish to the Mbuna tank.
I have obsessive compulsive disorder, and my main compulsions have to do with doing excessive amounts of water changes and observing and stressing over every little thing with my fish. :?
I don't get stressed over the fish and watching them helps me feel relaxed. I pay a lot of attention to what they do because I truly want to know why they do certain things. As a side effect I can usually tell when something is wrong because I know how they act when everything is fine.
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