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It is either a serpae, or a female black phantom, which has the red, which the male does not. If it is not red throughout, it is probalby not a serpae.
My black phantoms are not aggressive, but my serpae tetras are almost tiger barb-like in their behavior and aggressiveness. Higher numbers of them has not diminished their, um, zest! There is also a fish known as the red phantom tetra that resembles the fish you have, but it is relatively uncommon and also delicate, requiring pristine water conditions. The more I look at that fish, the more I think it is a female black phantom.
It was supposed to be a Serphea Tetra, I honestly don't know what it is. I guess miss identification is something we have to put up with in this hobby. lol That's like in pet co today, no one knew anything and had a blue lobster in an "aggressive tank" but say's semi aggresive. Say's that it won't bother most fish unless they are small and slow enough to get caught. Guess we will wait and see. so far he just hides in the castle and pokes his head out when he thinks no one is looking.
Now I have personal experience with the blue lobster, and mine was not a peaceful thing at all!! He was in a 55 gal with one 6-inch oscar and one juvenile bala shark, and he killed the bala, and intimidated the oscar to the point of the oscar hovering in a corner, unwilling to go to the other side of the tank where the lobster had its cave. When it would venture over there the lobster would come out and the oscar would flee! I finally had to get rid of him since I wanted to keep fish, too!
Yours could definitely be a serpae, as it is hard to tell in the picture, but frankly their requirements are so similar that if it was a female black phantom you would not do anything different. When I got my pairs of black phantoms the clerk at the LFS did not know why some had red and some didn't, so who knows what she was telling people who didn't know. I pointed out to her that they were the females, and she was shocked!
Yep, that's what it is, but I haven't had a problem with nipping, only got 2 and they are only 4 fish in the tank smaller than them, the 4 painted glass. I think they think those poor fish have been through enough and just leave them alone.
Without a doubt, the first one is a Bleeding Heart Tetra, the second is a Serpea Tetra. Hope this helps and btw, got two of my favorite tetras there oh, I've got to ask, do you only have one eash of the tetras? They are schooling fish and do so much better in groups.
Well I only have 2 of each, guess that's not much of a school but right now I can't add anymore until I make a few changes (the bala's gotta go), and then maybe I can get them some more friends. And yes I know I'm over the 1 inch per gal of fish but if it gets to be a problem I'll just get the penguin 330 out and crank it up on the other side