Fish in hiding for 2 months!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 31, 2004
Accokeek, Maryland
Maybe you remember my troubles with fish jumping from my tank. Lost a sailfin blenny, a lawnmower blenny, and a flasher wrasse. Had a bully damsel that was chasing any newcomer to the carpet.

Bought me some vinyl netting and contructed nice tops. So, I buy another flasher wrasse. A beauty.

2nd day while feeding, the bully took off after him. The wrasse tried to jump and (i presume) hit his head on either the net frame or the cross section tank support pieces. Hit it hard. This was early March. Never saw him after that.

Yesterday, he shows up after a water change. Unbelievable that I never saw him at all for two whole months. Looked as though he was not missing any meals either.

This is totally uneblievable to me.

What do you think happened? Coma and the inverts force fed him while he was under???:rolleyes:
I dont know Ray but I sure am happy for you. Good news for sure.
In the last year, I've seen my watchman goby maybe 5 times...and 2 of those times were me getting it out of the overflow. It doesn't come out to feed with the other fish, but like yours, it looks like it's not missing any meals.
Thats crazyness. That would be awesome if the inverts made a hospital for him... haha very interesting! He more than likely was in hiding. Does he appear frequently now?
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