Fish nipping fingers

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 7, 2013
When I put my hands in my tank my hand gets swarmed by my tiger barbs and then they start nipping at me. Doesn't hurt. Now my blue rams learned that behavior and are doing it too. First off can this harm me or my fish. Chance of infections? Not like I am putting in my hands when they are dirty or with open cuts. Second off are my fish doing this cause they think I am food, curious to see what I am, or are they defending their territory? Both the rams and tigers seem to like me. Not scared of me like some other fish
That just means that they love you and know that you are their provider of food :) Mine do it all the time! I love to pet my fish :)
Totally safe to both you and your fish! My guppies and rams do it to me as well. Mine always seem to be attempting to taste the hairs or the bubbles on said hairs on my arm rather than trying to be territorial. Basically, they're either curious, testing you for tastiness, or both ;)
Lol just making sure. Tiger barbs are hilarious. Got a dozen and they surround my hand and take turns darting in for a nip. Now all the sudden the rams are coming in too.
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