Fish not eating

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 6, 2014
Central Florida
I have a 55 gal tank with an assortment of Peacocks in it (12) they are all still juvi's. Two weeks ago I did my normal weekly water change of 25-30% and left for the day. I didn't realize that I had forgotten to turn the filters back on (one hob one canister) . Approx 27 hours later I got back home and realized my error when I saw the tank cloudy so I immediately turned on the filters, not thinking about how long they had sat with no water running. Once they where up and running I did a large water change and one the next day and the water cleared up and tested fine but 24 hours later I lost a fish. I have no idea what ultimately killed the fish as it was so cannibalized by the time I found it (it was the smallest in the tank so it may have just been bullied). I decided then to check the water and everything was good except the PH was extremely low which has never been a problem before (turns out the city decided to change the water source for our area). I have one fish that didn't appreciate this and started hiding and just sitting in the corner and not eating, not sure if his fins were clamped or he was just laying low. I brought the PH back up to where it needs to be and it has been stable along with my other water stats but he still isnt eating. He has stopped hiding though and is now swimming around with fins fully extended(last three days) but still seems to have no desire to eat. I dosed 3/4 teaspoon of metro per my LFS today and will try to get some epsom salts tomorrow to put in the tank.

Questions. How long do I treat both salt and metro? Is there anything else I should do? I am trying to get them on the mend quickly as I am going out of town on a business trip and my wife and kids wouldn't likely be able to handle anything too involved due to lack of experience.
There really isn't any right answer with the metro,it's off label for anaerobic bacteria internal and a paracide for fish. It's a human std antibiotic. Label Just says "until symptoms disappear", if you go on chi lid forums they kno more.

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