Fish that "pop" under actinic light

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 8, 2012
Beaverton, OR
So my husband completely surprised me with an early Valentine's gift of a 20 gallon long tank that I've been eyeing for YEARS with the intention of setting it up as a fluorescent actinic tank. I've got the initial set up done, and I transferred two bags of bio media from my 75 gallon planted community to kick start the cycle. I've got a gallery of it's current state here: I've attached a pic for those who don't like facebook galleries too. I'm toying with the idea of adding pac man decorations and a pac man grid background too once I can convince my husband to make them for me ;)

With the decorations it's sort of been trial and error to find which ones really "pop" in the lighting versus what sorta blends in, but I don't want to try and follow that approach when it comes to stocking since returning fish constantly when they don't work isn't fair to either the fish or the store ;) Besides the obvious answer of GloFish danios, what else would look good under this lighting that's compatible with the danios? I'd like some variety! I'm thinking of neon tetras, black neons, or glowlight tetras... What do you guys think?


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I did the exact same thing, This is actually his tank. Fish, tank and all picked out by him. Glofish really are the ones that look great, I have Blue LEDS. I don't know if that makes a difference. But I did all the colors, the best colors are orange and green. I have pics of it in my album. Adding a small sprinkle of orange rocks in next on my to do list.
I love your tank, what a great look! I also love the Pac-Man idea. I think that would be sooooooo awesome! :)
As for fish, I don't know how white looks under those actinic lights, but if white "glows", maybe look into some white mollies or hatchets......
I forgot, I also tried Bright orange Platys, Neons, and endlers under my Blue LEDs. I also tried white to make it pop. Unless they are Bred to Pop Under the light, you're pretty much limited to the Glofish, Glo Tetras, GloBarbs, They Also are coming into Glo Cichild and GloAngel Fish. They haven't reached the USA, I think, But should be rolling out soon.
Hmmm, a GloAngelfish would be interesting! Good to know about the Endlers, that was another one I was considering. I'm not a fan of hatchet fish or mollies, so even if white did "pop" I would probably pass on them. I don't care much for the GloBarbs or GloTetras either, so I'm sticking to the danios as far as Glo-whatevers go for now.

So if nothing but those bred for glowing looks cool under the blue LEDs, maybe the route to go is fish that normally are too shy to come out during the day? I'm already planning on moving my African Dwarf Frogs and Honeycomb catfish over from my 75 gallon since the big tank is too bright for them to come out much, but what other fish might be more active under the moonlights?
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