Fish to add to my tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 29, 2013
A of now my stock is like this

6 tiger barbs

Dwarf gourami

Hifin platy

Balloon molly

Chocolate ghost knife fish

They all are getting along very well.

I was looking for some sugfestions on new fiah to add to my tank. It's a 33 gal flatback hex
Your over the stock line. Now is a good time to stop. Just an FYI, if the knife fish gets big enough, you will have plenty of room.
Live aquaria says that ghost knifes require atleast a 150 gal aquarium. That site is very accurate and you should probably rehome it. After you do that, you could add some more fish!

Tiger barbs can be nasty lil fellows though so your tank mate options are slim. I'm surprised everyone's getting along.
A of now my stock is like this

6 tiger barbs

Dwarf gourami

Hifin platy

Balloon molly

Chocolate ghost knife fish

They all are getting along very well.

I was looking for some sugfestions on new fiah to add to my tank. It's a 33 gal flatback hex

Hey! Okay, first things first, I'll give you opinions on sorting out your current stock, more than the stock you want.

I would definetly remove the brown ghost knife. Even though they don't get as big as the black ghost knife, they still require a tank probably triple the size. He/she will eat any other small community fish you try to add, including your current ones

I would also remove the tiger barbs. This opens up a lot of possibilities as to what other fish you can add. They like to nip other fishes especially with long fins, so if yo remove them it makes your choices have a higher percentage of being compatible.
I don't know what fish you are interested in but if yoU name a few I'm sure we can help :)
I called up my lfs and they are going to gove my chocolate ghost a new home. Also, i have a ten gallon that i moved my tiger barba to. I now have in my tank,

Dwarf gourami

Balloon molly

Hifin platy

6 zebra danios

I want a centerpiece fish of some sort, and magbe a gold dojo loach for the bottom level! Idk, let me know your opinions
That's a much better stock!

Maybe throw in an angelfish and the loach you want. You also might be able to up your school to 10 but that might be pushing it a tad. :)
Awesome! Thank you guys, i'll keep you updated on new fish i'm considering for the tank
I called up my lfs and they are going to gove my chocolate ghost a new home. Also, i have a ten gallon that i moved my tiger barba to. I now have in my tank,

Dwarf gourami

Balloon molly

Hifin platy

6 zebra danios

I want a centerpiece fish of some sort, and magbe a gold dojo loach for the bottom level! Idk, let me know your opinions

Man, that's awesome :) loaches are the best, there hilarious. You could do khulis, Golden dojos, yo-yo, just stay away from clowns. I would suggest adding more to platy stock, and for a center piece, an angel, you could probably add anthor DG if you split there territory up
What about this assorted angelfish at my lfs? It's pretty big but also very cool


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Danios can be nippy, the DG and the angel could not get along. These are all mabyes I would try and see
Ok! I gotchu, well i got him, and he's definitely a centerpiece fish, i love this guy. Any reason my danios aren't schooling?
Ok good, i was worried they had issues with eachother, thank you for all your help, i'll send you a pic when i get the dojo loach
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