Fish with Hair Stuck in his Mouth...Should I do anything?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 17, 2004
New England
One of my new Dwarf Neon Rainbow Fish has somehow found a hair in my tank to eat...and about an inch is sticking out of his mouth,

Has this ever happened to anyone?

I will never be able to catch him and pull it out...and I have no idea how long the hair is ...and pulling it out could cause more damage.

I am thinking about just leaving him alone. I would think that enzymes would eventually breakdown the hair...but I just want to make sure that is the right course of action.

pretty sure hair is not digestible. My fish sometimes try and eat hair but they spit it right out. Can you tell if its human or pet hair?
Hair will not break down...are you sure its hair and not bactieral fibers..i had a Danio that i thought had a couple of hair fibers in it mouth and It died of mouth fungus a few days later
...just a thought
Looks like human hair...about my length...must have fell in when I was setting up the tank.

The hair seems to be passing through now he has 1 and 1/2 inches trailing him now.

Should be almost passed though.

I guess it is NOT digestible!


He ate the hair....and it passed through him as waste. It is gone now...and the fish looks none the worse from the event.

FWIW~hair is able to be broken down, but I don't know how you would give papaya enzyme to your fish :wink:
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