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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 21, 2023
I have a 35g tank with 2 small clowns 1 small blue hippo tang, 1 small yellow watchman goby, and 1 diamond goby. I had a small yellow mimic tang that died and I’m wanting to replace him with another fish. What should I get? I also may get a pistol shrimp to pair with the gobies, will that be a problem? Below is a picture of my rock (I don’t have much)


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I have a 35g tank with 2 small clowns 1 small blue hippo tang, 1 small yellow watchman goby, and 1 diamond goby. I had a small yellow mimic tang that died and I’m wanting to replace him with another fish. What should I get? I also may get a pistol shrimp to pair with the gobies, will that be a problem? Below is a picture of my rock (I don’t have much)

The plot thickens with your recent Tang loss. ;) This tank is too small for that fish and the Hippo Tang will not do well over time in a tank that small. They need a lot of swimming space and your tank doesn't have that. It has swimming space for small fish that stay small, not small fish that grow large. The clownfish will become very territorial so you definitely do not have enough decor in there to protect any new fish that swims off the bottom. I'd concentrate on adding more rock and hiding places before getting any new fish. (y)
Hey Andy! Thanks for the feedback. I am aware that the hippo tang won’t be able to live in there for long, my local fish store buys back fish for 75% of what you bought them for as long as they are in good health so he won’t be a problem long term. I added three more pieces of rock in there, two of which you can’t see, as you can see in the picture down below. So, after my new rock additions to the tank, do you have any insight to fish that would work well?


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Stick with fish that stay small. Blue Neon Gobies, Yellow Neon Gobies, Rainfordi goby, Firefish, Purple firefish, Clown Gobies, different rock blennies, Firetail blenny, a Pseudochromis or gramma, Carbbean red spotted hawkfish ( ) for example are the kinds of fish for that setup. If you add Barnacles like these ( ) , most of the fish I mentioned will use them as homes so you can better see them instead of them hiding in the rocks. There are a lot of fish to choose from, too many list them all LOL, but it really boils down to small fish that are not active swimmers that do best in small aquariums. (y)

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