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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I assumed since these are bacteria they would just slow their metabolism (i.e. very similar to the refrigerated Biospira some people rave about). I deal with bacteria often at my job and refrigeration rarely kills bacteria (and 99% of the time this is due to dehydration from not sealing in the moisture). It actually could be beneficial to the bacteria as since the metabolism slows, their waste production and food consumption should drastically go down (so they don't kill themselves through starvation or toxification).

I have no problem with just driving home and putting them in the tank (actually its like getting a free day of cycling, and getting out of work for a bit) :)

And I'm thinking of making 2 baggies of gravel, 1 small and 1 large. The large one I'll just hang in the tank where there is a good current, while the smaller bag I'll turn into a Biomax type baggie (for the Aquaclear filters its 1 of the 3 inserts). Since I did not plan on using the activated charcoal insert until the tank is completely cycled (or more likely only if the tank gets really smelly), I was going to use 2 foam inserts and 1 biomax insert. Instead I'll use 1 foam insert, 1 biomax insert, and the seed bag. For best transfer of bacteria I think I'll go

foam filter--->seed bag--->biomax filter

Sound good?

While you are waiting for your stand and other ordered goodies to arrive, I might suggest letting the panty hose soak in water, just in case they have any detergents, etc. in them. Actually, if you could, I would recommend just going out and getting a new pair to use. (the ankel socks are probably cheaper and should do the trick)
Good call. I'm sure being washed, not all the detergents come out and they were probably in some fabric softener in the dryer. That could have been disastrous had you not brought that up! THanks. (I'd give you some Kudos if I could)

One other thing, what do you recommend for a scrubber for the side of the tank (i.e. algae). I plan to eventually get a chinese algae eater, but don't want too many variables at once at the beginning. Preferably a part number from Big Al's?
If you just want to scrape the algae off the front of the tank, or sides, there is a product called Mag-Float which is an algae scrapper that pulls along with a magnet on the outside of the tank. This is only recommended for glass tanks though.

Oops, didn't notice that there were several more pages when I replied.
Elmware said:
One other thing, what do you recommend for a scrubber for the side of the tank (i.e. algae). I plan to eventually get a chinese algae eater, but don't want too many variables at once at the beginning. Preferably a part number from Big Al's?
If you just want to scrape the algae off the front of the tank, or sides, there is a product called Mag-Float which is an algae scrapper that pulls along with a magnet on the outside of the tank. This is only recommended for glass tanks though.

Oops, didn't notice that there were several more pages when I replied.

They also appear to make one for acrylic tanks.
So did you order a Python and Mag-Float in your Big Al's order? Very good investments IMO.

I did order a medium sized magfloat, seems like a great way to clean the tank and not get dirty in the process.

No I didn't order a python. I ordered a simple gravel filter (just basically a syphon) and a bulb to get the syphon started without using my mouth :). In the future I may find it beneficial to use the python, but for now since I only have a 20 gallon, I can't imagine changing out 5gallons every week or 2 will be a big deal. But ask me in a month or 2.....:D

I just used a gravel vac and a 5G bucket for my 26G, and still do. Takes me longer to roll out the 75' pythong, do the vac, fill back up, and drain the python and roll back up. When I do the 55G, I do both tanks with it. But if just doing the 26G, will just use the bucket. Much quicker.
Anyone with experience shopping from big al's? I placed my order on jan 1st, and still have no shipping number or delivery date... I know the 1st was a holiday, and MAYBE they were slow on the 2nd getting back up and running but i'm getting antsy! Anyone ever had the package show up before they post it as shipped on their site? I've dealt with companies before where I recieve the package before getting the shipping email!

8O justin 8O
I think almost everyone on this site has experience with Big Al's. :D They come highly recommended. Have you tried contacting them? Maybe they just haven't updated the online systerm with the tracking information. And expect to have a little bit of a delay. They had the Free Shipping sale going on and it probably generated alot of orders, not to mention people who received Christmas money for fish tank stuff. :)

I've never had the package show up before showing online. Usually the tracking number is posted within two business days after the transaction. I'd give them a call.
Right around Christmas things started slowing down due to the holiday rush. Give it another day or 2, then I'd try calling. Could be that a piece is on backorder and just waiting for it before shipping the order. Happened with my big order, were waiting on the XP3. It was all shipped within a week when the shipment of XP3's arrived.
Go figure, I post this, go in the lab, come back, check my email and sure enough I have a tracking number emailed to me! Too bad I probably won't get it until at least Monday...:( I had hoped to start work on it this weekend...

So far though, great service!
I placed an order from Big Al's Jan 2nd in the morning and they emailed me shipping confirmation yesterday. I think they got a little behind since the free shipping promotion ended Jan 2nd @ midnight and there were probably more orders than usual.
My night's search for pool filter sand, by justin.

Started out by calling a couple pool places in my area. 3 to be exact. All 3 rang, and rang, and RANG. No answer, I can assume they have been closed for the winter.

Next I went to the local Ace hardware mom and pop shop near my house. They tend to have odd items that are hard to find at the major retailers, but charge a premium for this. No dice. Helpful worker told me to try a pool place. :evil:

Next I went to our largest home depot in the area. It's about twice as big as the others and has a large outdoor section. Walked through the contractors area with concrete and sand, walked through the outdoor area (froze my A off), then even tried in vain the plumbing area. No dice. I asked 3 different workers from 3 different departments and even went to the customer service, they looked up keywords and said they have nothing even in their database for this sand.

Next we drove to Lowe's. Same deal, walked all over the store inside and out. But wait! :lol: I find a small pool section off in the corner outside. They have chlorine, they have replacement filters, they have pool tops, they have floaties. They even have aroma therapy crap to add to hot tubs. I had brought my Luxeon 1watt LED flashlight in case it was hard to see stuff. Up on the TOP shelf (about 30 feet up) I see a skid with what looks to be bags of mystery. Containing my excitement I aim my flashlight up to the skid and through the small cracks I see the words, POOL, Sand, Filter, and PLUS. I was flying high. I run inside, beg the closest worker, and he and a team of 2 other helpers (read: construction supervisors :) ) proceed to get a front end loader and bring the entire stack to the ground.

It's a dusty mess, my hands are dirtied as I try to see what my treasure is. I'll cut the theatrics, its crap. That word PLUS F'd up my night. Turns out this stuff is , "20X better at filtering than normal filter sand", its also, "10X finer to pick up more impurities", and it has a, "ammonia binding center" whatever that means. 8O

I say, ok I'll get 3 25lb bags just in case this stuff will work (and so the workers don't spear me with the front end loader), and load them into a cart. Up to the front we go, there are 2 lines open. One has 5 people with multiple items, 1 has 1 person with about 15items. I go with the 15item joe. Bad idea. 1/2 way through the procedure a UPC fails to scan. We need a price check. I weep. Finally he's gone and the lady rings me up. That will be $67.50 she says. I said WHAT! She says they are $19.99 or something like that. I said thank you, took my items back outside, and placed them on a rack about eye level so if some other person actually wants these, they don't have to go through the trouble.

Crestfallen, we walk next door to PetSmart (not the one I usually go to) and are again shocked at the price discrepency between their online and store prices. The aquaclear line of filters START at 24.99 for the mini, and go up to $100 thats correct one-hundred dollars for the 110model. I almost laughed until I realized how many people probably blew all this cash for their kids gifts. And they had the 55gallon black tank I wanted with lighted hood in stock, but since i've already ordered the filter and stand from Big Al's, I'll be sticking with the 20gal high. So that was my night. Wasted about 2 1/2 hours, probably spent 20$ in gas, and am ready to belly flop off the roof of my house. Tomorrow I'm driving home to my parents and will try a pool store around them.... g-night.

Hopefully you have better luck at a pool store, that is if you can find one.

7Enigma said:
The aquaclear line of filters START at 24.99 for the mini, and go up to $100

That's kinda weird because my Petsmart has very competitve prices on their filters. I guess it's because they have the heaters marked up around 100% :wink:
I'd say stick to going to pool and jacuzzi stores for the PFS. I tried Lowes and Home Depot here and didn't find any. I just went to the local pool shop here, just a real small store, not a chain store, and they had many bags. So I got a 50lb bag for my 55G, which is plenty, and was $9.95.
Lonewolfblue said:
I'd say stick to going to pool and jacuzzi stores for the PFS. I tried Lowes and Home Depot here and didn't find any. I just went to the local pool shop here, just a real small store, not a chain store, and they had many bags. So I got a 50lb bag for my 55G, which is plenty, and was $9.95.

What month was this? All of our pool stores appear to close down during the winter. I can't understand why since a lot of people run hot tubs in the winter.
This was in early December.... In fact, it's open year around. He said he may not have PFS year around, but if I needed some, he could still order it and get it in a few days if they were out.
The light at the end of the tunnel....

Called around today at my parents place and found 1 pool shop that had it in stock. They wanted 8$ for a 50lb bag, BUT, they had it on a pallet and the lady said it would take until tuesday afternoon to get a worker to move it. I politely thanked her and said I would call back if there were no other options.

My wife spent 10minutes found 2 more places around us and sure enough there is a pool place 15min from our house that not only has pool filter sand, they have it in stock, AND its only $6.95 a piece for a 50lb bag. I think I'll buy 2 or 3 so I never have to go through this again (especially if I get the MTS and go with a bigger tank), as my current one is only a 20 gal high. So if anyone in the SE PA area needs some of this stuff I'll let you know where its at.

So as of now, I have the tank (yet to be cleaned in hot tap water with a papertowel), and later this afternoon will have the sand. I assume this sand should be cleaned correct? And if so how? I thought of using a new bucket that I'll be using to add and remove water from the tank, putting in about 1/3 to 1/2 full of sand and using tap water agitate the sand to lift out dust and other junk. Any better way than this? And anything else I can do prior to recieving the bulk of the items? Thanks!

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