Fishless cycle

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Thanks for all your help man! I really appreciate it. And I will surely post some pictures for you!
Hey, so I've had fish in my tank for about a month since it cycled, slowly building the community, when in the last couple of days I have ammonia readings of .5?

What happened? The fish seem fine most the time, every now and then one or two will go to the surface and do that dreadful gasping like thing.
I have not cleaned the filter. But I recently cleaned substrate with a gravel vacuum very thoroughly. Just about 4 days ago. Should I clean the filter?

Also I have:
3 tiger barbs
2 green tiger barbs (1 died the other day from what seemed to be dropsy or a swim bladder infection)
1 peacock eel
1 albino bristlenose pleco
1 blue ram cichlid
1 ivory snail
1 nerite snail
1 upside down catfish.
All the fish are about an inch long. Except the peacock eel who is 5" and of course the snails who are about the size of a dime.
Slow down on adding anything else. Don't clean the filter just yet at less it's not working right. Bacteria lives in the substrate and when you cleaned it you may have cleaned to much. When I clean mine I only do about half.

More than likely that's what happened. Don't add anything new for awhile and let the system catch up with the bio load. Keep an eye on water perimeters and do a water change(s) as needed if it starts to climb more.
Alright, one green tiger barb died yesterday while i was at work. Everyone else in the tank seems totally fine. And my ammonia seems to be between 0 and .5 a little reduced and close to zero. Just keep waiting?
Alright, one green tiger barb died yesterday while i was at work. Everyone else in the tank seems totally fine. And my ammonia seems to be between 0 and .5 a little reduced and close to zero. Just keep waiting?

Yea keep waiting, I don't know what else to do they should be fine. Those Api colors are all so close together so it will be hard to tell what ammonia really is. How's the nitrite? Is there any chasing or fighting?
The nitrites are at 0

The nitrates are at 15ish.

And we'll the tiger barbs kinda do their thing. The only other thing I noticed is they started picking on the blue ram. And I've been contemplating finding him a new home, for he has a couple nips off his tail.
Alright, well everything seems okay! I got rid of the blue ram and replaced him with an albino tiger barb.

There are no signs of any ammonia or bad water conditions amongst the fish.

But I don't plan on putting anything new in for a week or two?

Does that sound appropriate?
Sounds good
When adding new fish go slow and easy and each time keep testng and doing water changes if need to be. Each time you add your adding a bigger bio load and the filters may need to catch up.
Okay cool! I'll be sure to go slow and easy, and monitor my water levels before and after I add any. Thanks man! Ohh and as promised I do have some pics! I don't have all my fish obviously but I got some of the tank


My tank.


White ivory snail


My stripped peacock eel! I have a video of him eating I took with my phone but I'm not sure how to put that here.


And my albino just after adding him.
My tank has ich now. Help! Lol I'm gonna turn up the temperature as I heard this helps, and go but ich treatment. Anything else??
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Oh okay! Thanks! I am getting the degree slowly up. And I already put one day of ick treatment in. But I'll just not put anymore in!
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