Fishless Cycling, Amazonian Setup, Ideas and Suggestions

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 13, 2014
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Just wanted to announce and introduce myself as a Newbie.

Hi, My name is Rodney, I have recently acquired a 4' 75 gallon Tank, Stand and Most of the accompanying goodies. I would like to explain that this full setup was given away, through a very kind Member of FreeCycle Australia, whom wanted to allow another person to embrace and share her enthusiasm and enjoyment of the world of Fish keeping and Aquariums. Thank you for your generosity.

Its my greatest intention to keep a Amazon Basin/South American Themed Community Tank and I am currently researching the most appropriate species.

I have chosen the theme to maximise the use of our Rain/Tank water, which is wonderfully clean, free of pollutants and very soft water.

I have only started Cycling my New Aquarium on 12/04/2014 and found my GH and KH were both less than 1d. As with the fish, understanding the water chemistry is as much of a hobby as the actually keeping of the "fish" So my First 10 weeks will be watching and learning the correlations in the water parameters, and the affects. Well this is my stage 1.

I am useing the fishless cycling, interesting concept, particular as pure ammonia is either not easily available or not available at all in Queensland from any sources I know, so, back to fishflakes/fishfood. Any other soloutions would be appreciated.

I yesterday added 5 teaspoons of Bicarbonate Soda to bring the KH to 5 and today for a trial added 1 teaspoon of potassium Chloride/Ammonium Chloride/Tri Calcium Phosphate, hopefully bringing the GH up a degree or 2.

As I have no fish or plants, this I think is an excellent time to play around and learn the correct measurements and affects on my Tank. I am at this stage not concerned to much on the PH as the tank cycles.

Eventually I would like to learn organic ways to introduce and Stabilise, the incoming macronutrients, KH and GH, thus minimising any spikes in my water parameters that could adversely affect any soft water fish.

At this stage I am also keeping a spreadsheet and log of the water parameters and as I go along will keep notes etc, I am quite OCD with notekeeping and records, interesting bonus for learning new hobbies.

Obviously I haven't written everything I have learnt of Late (be here for hours) and Im a many of little words... I love this forum for its ease of use, practical views and the multitudes of interesting threads, so thankyou in advanced for any advice, suggestion or general conversations that we embark on.
Threnjen will be a great resource when she replies, we have very soft water here in Portland Oregon too and she's been a great resource for me in getting started.

The basic bit I can relay is getting KH and pH up quite high for the cycle ... My first fishless cycle went nowhere for a month with a lower pH and temperature, even with a little seeded media. Then with pH over 8, lots of seeded media, a temp over 86, a little phosphate ... Super fast!! I'm at 9 days now and think I'll see nitrites disappear tonight. Lots of this is logged in my journal of restarting a fishless cycle with naturally soft water.
Just wanted to announce and introduce myself as a Newbie.

Hi, My name is Rodney, I have recently acquired a 4' 75 gallon Tank, Stand and Most of the accompanying goodies. I would like to explain that this full setup was given away, through a very kind Member of FreeCycle Australia, whom wanted to allow another person to embrace and share her enthusiasm and enjoyment of the world of Fish keeping and Aquariums. Thank you for your generosity.

Its my greatest intention to keep a Amazon Basin/South American Themed Community Tank and I am currently researching the most appropriate species.

I have chosen the theme to maximise the use of our Rain/Tank water, which is wonderfully clean, free of pollutants and very soft water.

I have only started Cycling my New Aquarium on 12/04/2014 and found my GH and KH were both less than 1d. As with the fish, understanding the water chemistry is as much of a hobby as the actually keeping of the "fish" So my First 10 weeks will be watching and learning the correlations in the water parameters, and the affects. Well this is my stage 1.

I am useing the fishless cycling, interesting concept, particular as pure ammonia is either not easily available or not available at all in Queensland from any sources I know, so, back to fishflakes/fishfood. Any other soloutions would be appreciated.

I yesterday added 5 teaspoons of Bicarbonate Soda to bring the KH to 5 and today for a trial added 1 teaspoon of potassium Chloride/Ammonium Chloride/Tri Calcium Phosphate, hopefully bringing the GH up a degree or 2.

As I have no fish or plants, this I think is an excellent time to play around and learn the correct measurements and affects on my Tank. I am at this stage not concerned to much on the PH as the tank cycles.

Eventually I would like to learn organic ways to introduce and Stabilise, the incoming macronutrients, KH and GH, thus minimising any spikes in my water parameters that could adversely affect any soft water fish.

At this stage I am also keeping a spreadsheet and log of the water parameters and as I go along will keep notes etc, I am quite OCD with notekeeping and records, interesting bonus for learning new hobbies.

Obviously I haven't written everything I have learnt of Late (be here for hours) and Im a many of little words... I love this forum for its ease of use, practical views and the multitudes of interesting threads, so thankyou in advanced for any advice, suggestion or general conversations that we embark on.

Hi Rod welcome to AA

I'm not in a position to leave a detailed response right now but try putting some shrimp in a mesh bag and hanging in the tank, it's less messy and you can just set and forget. Only downside to not using pure ammonia is that the bacteria will grow to an unknown quantity (enough to take care off the ammonia produced by the shrimp and difficult to measure) could be smelly too I've heard. I have never done a fishless cycle.
Thanks, I will certainly be out getting some crushed coral to raise my GH and kh to help speed things along and I also like the shrimp idea, I'll give that ago along side of the raised ph. temp is sitting at a barmy 28c I'm guessing that's approx 82-83f. Seen my ammonia levels start to rise sitting around the 3-4ppm so quite happy with that atm.
Thanks, I will certainly be out getting some crushed coral to raise my GH and kh to help speed things along and I also like the shrimp idea, I'll give that ago along side of the raised ph. temp is sitting at a barmy 28c I'm guessing that's approx 82-83f. Seen my ammonia levels start to rise sitting around the 3-4ppm so quite happy with that atm.

No probs. I was going to go on to mention crushed coral to raise G and Kh. Is that the temperature without a heater? If not you don't really need to turn the heat up.

Seems like you have a firm grasp on what to do and what to expect.

Just note that the majority of fish should be able to adapt to a wide range of ph and gh so don't beat yourself up over trying to get the perfect water chemistry. Unless of course you want to.
hi Caliban, that's with the heater on, temps here around 24-25c decreasing so heater on just to keep it generally stable, certainly isn't working very hard ;). Added some crushed coral this afternoon, and will test the params each day to see they head. I have chosen South American/Amazonian theme so at the end of the day it matches my rain tank water, with the minimum about of fuss, although, adding minimal of coral I think will help to buffer the water enough to maintain a sound and steady ph. That's the plan. any recommendations or advice about the pros and cons of hard plumbing my fluval 405. Seems to be a mixed bag of which is better, being better water flow, possibly noise vibrations etc. Is there really any diffrences?
hi Caliban, that's with the heater on, temps here around 24-25c decreasing so heater on just to keep it generally stable, certainly isn't working very hard ;). Added some crushed coral this afternoon, and will test the params each day to see they head. I have chosen South American/Amazonian theme so at the end of the day it matches my rain tank water, with the minimum about of fuss, although, adding minimal of coral I think will help to buffer the water enough to maintain a sound and steady ph. That's the plan. any recommendations or advice about the pros and cons of hard plumbing my fluval 405. Seems to be a mixed bag of which is better, being better water flow, possibly noise vibrations etc. Is there really any diffrences?

Sorry rod not quite sure what you mean by hard plumbing. You should post that particular question in the hardware section as I'm sure one of the members there would be better equipped to help you.
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