Fish's eyeball is popping out?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 11, 2013
Palm Desert, CA
One of my golden Tetras looks like one of his eyeballs is popping out, or at least its protruding to the point it looks as though he may be suffering. Anyone know what might cause this to happen? I have a 55 gallon FW tank that is less than 2 months old and I've done water changes approx 7-8 xs with near normal Ph readings last 2-3 weeks.
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One of my golden Tetras looks like one of his eyeballs is popping out, or at least its protruding to the point it looks as though he may be suffering. Anyone know what might cause this to happen? I have a 55 gallon FW tank that is less than 2 months old and I've done water changes approx 7-8 xs with near normal Ph readings last 2-3 weeks.

Place fish in quarantine in a methylene blue bath with epsom salt (1 tbs. for every 10 Gallons). Change water out 100% a day (50% AM 50% PM), use a heater. If its bacterial, this should clear it up in a week. If it's an organism, there's not much you can do, since its difficult to assess what it is.
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