Fishy Names

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nah, mine are political figures of the world. i got a yellow tang named yasser arafat and a damsel named kim Jong. you know, they are both kind of aggressive fish. i'm still working on my starfish and shrimp.
A couple of my fish have names, not all of them. Actually, my boyfriend names the ones that he especially likes. The rest go through life anonymously.
Lots of mine do. Mostly named by my wife. The goldfish are Molly and Polly. Their little pleco is George. The frogs are all named Mordimer. All of them. The venustus is "Speckles". The dark looking guy who replaced another cichlid I used to have named "Big Sid" is "Darth Sid". The oscars are well.. Oscar :) All 3 ;p The zebras are 'Zips'. Glow lights are the "glow boys" or something. I forget :)
I have a Cherry Barb called Nemo, Guppies called Stealth and Blondie, and the large HATL Tetra is Speedy Gonzalez. None of the other fish are name though :p
You just have to give them names! They are a part of your family. It took many days of observation to determine their names (based on their personalities).

My clown is named J.W., midas blenny :arrow: penny, peppermint shrimp :arrow: RobesPierre, scarlet hermit :arrow: The Gooch, and Astrea snail :arrow: Bunny
actually the reason i am forced to name my fish is because if i dont do it my girlfriend will. its sort of a preemptive strike if you will. i can't live my life knowing that my starfish is named "chocolate chip" or my yellow tang is called "yelly".
Alright, can't help myself... everybody else is sharing names! :wink:

Sushi - male sunset platy (1st fish born in my tank!), his sister is Frieda (named after her late father, Fred). Other platies are Betty (because I bought her with Barney), Poppy (got her on Rememberance day), Sashimi (for Sushi), Patches (her black patches), and Sharkbait (her hi-fin looks likes she's impersonating a shark).

My first two guppies were Mr Darcy and Miss Bennet (I love Pride and Prejudice). I also have Miranda and Lola (her tail makes her look like she's a showgirl. I sing that song when I'm trying to get her attention).

Fred and Ethel were named after the Mertz's on I Love Lucy. They're hilarious!

Other fish names have been Jupiter (he was huge), Mars (he was red), Jack (my bf's uncle), Luci (for Lucifer - he terrorized the others), Otto (he was an oto), and Mr and Mrs Snail (how original).

Now y'all know how weird I am! :roll:
Our Platies r called Peaches (Male) and Cream, Rosie and Jane Doe (we thought she was gonna die when we got her home but she survived!!). Our Harlequin Rasboras r called Pinky and The Brain. Our Red-Eye Tetras r called Romulus & Remus (we couldnt tell them apart when we bought them, but Romulus is much bigger than Remus now). Our Pictus Catfish is called Sparticus. Our Bala Shark is called Jaws(go figure!!). Our Fancy Guppies r called Blaize (male) and Leota & Indy (short for Indigo). Our Neon Tetras r called Butch & Sundance & Billy the Kid (Out of a school of six, 3 got eaten by Sparticus on the first night!! Theyre big enough to survive now)
we do have larry.........the loach(yoyo) bit sad really specially as hes really larry No 3 as we lost our others one by one!!! & theyve all been called larry. our tiger/green tigers are just called as a pack ' the boys '
havent got names for the rest but will eventually.
we'd love a cat but just as well we havent got one or it would probably be called 'puss' or something equally creative :D
My red tailed black shark is Maximus (max for short)and my smaller red tailed black shark in my other tank is Maximus Junior, my featherfin catfish is Spike, my brazillian puffer is Puf ( yes I know original) My really pretty male guppy is Casanova!
My fish are collectively called "Fishhead." This comes from a time when I had problems keeping them alive and didn't want to get too attached.
I have three male platies - Darwin, Magellan and Columbus.
And I have two male guppies - Heff and Cappy.
Collectively they are the village people.

Laid to rest were: Nemo, Nermel, Isabella, Mabel 1, Mabel 2, Melba, Rizzo, Buttercup, and Gargamel.
I can't help but share my fishy names, especially since my boyfriend makes fun of me all the time and won't name his fish. (He does name his fiddler crabs though. Popeye, Wimpy and Olive Oil)

Fancy guppies- Goose & Maverick
Salami the Gourami
Franchesca the threadfin rainbow
Neon tetras- The Han Dynasty (my first name is Han... :p )
Montecore the fiddler crab (named after the tiger that mauled Roy)

hehe... I'm a nerd. :lol:
I'm horrible at names. When I got my pleco, I named him "the little guy" cause he was the smallest in the tank. He's now 8 inches long *sigh*

So I gave hubby the job of naming the fish, and I have to say he's done a better job then I, although, heh, he's managed to get some of the sexes wrong LOL:

Big male smoky superveil: Priscilla Queen of the Desert
Unknown gold marble superveil: Liberace
Unknown gold standard: Grunt
Midget Unknown gold standard: Runt
Unknown Black Lace: Creosote
Juvie Female Silver: The new guy (ok..I named that one LOL I also call her something I can't print here cause she lays eggs every week).

Yoyo loaches:
Four (has a marking that looks like a 4)
Three one and three two (the other 2 yoyos have markings that look like 3's LOL).

Clown loaches:
No specific names yet

The little guy, aka the beastie boy

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