Flame moss requirements and questions

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 19, 2011
Hello I'm looking to learn about flame moss I was wondering how it grows and how much nutrients it will need along with what it will grow off of and how fast it will grow. Thanks in advance
Hope this helps

Grows upwards towards light.
Slow growing but very hardy
Great natural hideout for fish fry
Able to withstand a great variety of water conditions
Can be tied to driftwood with sewing thread or fishing line
No carbon dioxide injection required for healthy growth

PH 5.8 - 7.5
Temperature 24 to 29 Celcius (75 to 84 Fahrenheit)
kH Level 2 - 15 dh
Lighting Requirements Low to High
Size 1.5"
Difficulty Easy
A little more insight for you

Flame Moss is one of the better Mosses to use on wood.
Traditional Java Moss doesn't form very good attachments of it's own and tends to grow in an unruly way compared to Flame Moss which spreads well from several points of attachment anchoring itself as it grows.

Christmas Tree Moss and Weeping Moss are also cool to grow on wood.
Growing Mosses is something of a hobby in itself.

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