Flashing Guppies

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 4, 2013
Snohomish, WA
I have a 55 gallon fully planted tank with several generations of guppies, 6 small SAE's, 2 Oto's and 2 Amano Shrimp. No ammonia, nitrites and 10 ppm nitrates. 50% water changes every week maintaining a ph of 6.8
The question is: its a parasite of some kind probably ich. What can I use to dose the tank without harming plants or shrimp? I can't find anything that says live plants and shrimp safe.
What is the issue?

My guppies are flashing (rubbing against something) which usually means ich or some other parasite attacking them to cause displeasure. I do not see any white dots but thats just 1 stage of ich. Also it could be gill flukes in which case i'm screwed cause its very hard to treat for flukes without destroying the tank.
Your 55 G

I have a 55 gallon fully planted tank with several generations of guppies, 6 small SAE's, 2 Oto's and 2 Amano Shrimp. No ammonia, nitrites and 10 ppm nitrates. 50% water changes every week maintaining a ph of 6.8
The question is: its a parasite of some kind probably ich. What can I use to dose the tank without harming plants or shrimp? I can't find anything that says live plants and shrimp safe.

Hello salz...

Your guppies are brackish water fish and could use a little standard aquarium salt in the tank water. I dose a bit less than a teaspoon in every 5 gallons of my replacement water. Most fish pathogens can't tolerate even a trace of salt in the water. Plus the salt will stimulate the fishes' immune system. I've used it for years in my planted tanks. A teaspoon isn't much and won't affect your other fish or plants either. I used to keep shrimp in slightly brackish water and had no problems.

Large, weekly water changes are definitely the way to keep the tank water pure.

If you think you may have a parasite affecting your tank, then dose a bit of salt and raise the temp in the tank a bit too. 80 degrees should suffice and a add a small HOB to get a bit more oxygen into the tank water.

Another thing you can do to help is put your fish on a diet of nutritious, frozen foods. Brine and mysis shrimp, bloodworms, beefheart, plankton and krill are all good. Get only the frozen with no additives. Just the frozen animal and water. I feed a little minced garlic to my fish. It's full of vitamins and a natural antibiotic.

Just some ideas.

All good stuff B. I was thinking of adding some air and salt. Here in Western Washington our water is void of minerals so we have to add crushed coral to filters for some buffs. Very soft water for guppies can be a prob but I do keep PH at 6.8 which they seem to like. I did find some Kordon ich attack that comes with the green lable when I went to lunch today. It appears to be made with natrual ingredients and says its safe for inverts and loaches. I'll dose my tank tonight after a 50% water change, bring up the heat and salt. I'll redose every other day including the water change. I'll update everyone with the results as they come in. Thanks again for the help B.
How often are they flashing?

They flash ALOT. When I got home last night I had a few floating belly up. I changed 50% water and used Kordon Ich attack and aquarium salt per dosage on labels. Removed carbon and added another HOB penguin with biowheel just to move water and add O2. I set the temp to 80 on my Ebo heater and 10 minutes later the electronic thermostat said 80. Gotta love the German heaters. Still no white spots but when I vacuumed gravel I noticed little white worms which could mean the repashy food is getting down into the gravel. I love that food but what a fricken mess. Better for bare bottom tanks and for bigger fish that can consume it whole. Tonight I will do another 50% water change add salt for the water displacement but no Ich Attack until tomorrow. Hopefully my guppies will pull through but if not then that gives a local LFS a chance to sell some more fish to me. :fish2:
Hey guy. I love fancies. Love to see a pic of the 55 planted. I had 13 tanks at one time. Have you kept/breed them in the past? Ive been under the impression that meds dont hurt plants and most dont hurt biofilter either. I use to have plastic plants but recently i switched to live ones.
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