FM question

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 16, 2014
Will a female chase a male if she is bigger than him? I have 2 juveniles and one is very colored but smaller and my other is not nearly as colored but bigger and chases the more colored one and kinda bullies the smaller one
Yes FM are temperamental. I had a breeding pair that I had to split up cause I was tired of the breeding aggression. The male used to chase the female. When I reintroduced the male the female had gained some size and she started chasing him. I now have 6 of the off spring and they all take turns chasing each other. FM are great fish one of my favorites but they can go from peaceful to psycho on 2 seconds that is why you see so much conflicting info about there aggression.
I know one minute they are swimming side by side next thing I know the chase is on all around the tank haha
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