Followup on sunsun filter for koi

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 27, 2016
So I took the recommendation made to me on this forum and purchased a sunsun 304b filter. After 2 days, I have not noticed any improvement in water clarity (150gal tank in my basement w koi and an aquaclear 110 filter already running). I'm using the filters that came with it, carbon, bioballs and ceramic media. Some questions:
1) Basement temp is about 50 degrees. Will bacterial growth take place on ceramic media and bioballs or too cold. How long to develop?
2) I ordered some "polishing filters" to try out. Since water flow is from the bottom to the top in the filter, this would go just below the ceramic medi/bioballs? Can you triple up the filter pads that came with the until and place them in the bottom tray of the unit to use as a kinda of "prefilter"?

By the way, as I've read in various places, the directions that come with the unit are next to useless. If anyone here has any contact with the SunSun Corporation, they should be asked to do a rewrite by someone with a better understanding of the English language.

Thanks for any advice.
Filter pads on top and polishing pad last is how mine are setup. Not sun sun but same principle.

How's the overall quality of the unit?
Filter pads on top and polishing pad last is how mine are setup. Not sun sun but same principle.

How's the overall quality of the unit?
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