Food for Discus

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 20, 2012
Ontario, Canada
Hey, I just recently moved all my discus into a 55 Gallon Bare bottom tank. I'm hoping to grow them out, then out in a show tank when I can slow down feeding and water changes.
I'm using RO water doing about 40% every other day. I'm just wondering, is there any food that is super good to feed them? I want food with high protien! Is there any live food that is good as well?
Any help would he
Where could I get it?

Right now I'm feeding frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp (thinking about feeding live as well) custom made discus food, freeze dried black worms (being shipped), live white worms (being shipped)
It should be available at smaller pet stores or online like Big Al's. I have not seen it at Petsmart or Petco. If you can get your fish to eat freeze dried ocean plankton, that would be good. It has 68% protein.
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