Foreground plants

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 23, 2014
I want foreground plants for my 36 gal aquarium. 20 watt light. This will be my first live plant so I want it to have easy care. Any suggestions
there really isn't any easy foreground aquarium plants but some of the easier ones would have to be glosso, marselea minuta, or dwarf hairgarss but even with these you will need high light and at the least excel or glut. the 20 watt light I'm guessing is a stock light which would be a t8 would not be sufficient to grow a foreground plant, some of the smaller plants you could try are dwarf sag which can grow in lower light and grows fairly fast but gets about 4 inches maybe even a little taller (but since you have a bigger tank I thin k this would be your best bet) crypt parva but this grow amazingly slow.
there really isn't any easy foreground aquarium plants but some of the easier ones would have to be glosso, marselea minuta, or dwarf hairgarss but even with these you will need high light and at the least excel or glut. the 20 watt light I'm guessing is a stock light which would be a t8 would not be sufficient to grow a foreground plant, some of the smaller plants you could try are dwarf sag which can grow in lower light and grows fairly fast but gets about 4 inches maybe even a little taller (but since you have a bigger tank I thin k this would be your best bet) crypt parva but this grow amazingly slow.

The glosso and dwarf hair grass are actually two of the most difficult foreground plants. I've tried and failed with both of them. Staurogyne repens is a gorgeous ground cover plant that only requires medium light and root tabs.
Ithe crypt is a slow grower so it will take quite a while to grow an actual carpet but crypts are good. I can't comment on the marsilea.
marsilea minuta is basically glosso but shorter and a very slow grower. It will however grow up just like glosso if you don't have a sufficient amount of light.
this is a harder plant to find even on most aquarium pant sites. However I don't think that this plant will be able to carpet in your aquarium, it may live but not grow.
Dwarf sag is your best bet, it is a very fast grower and is able to grow in lower lights.
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